JILL PRICE art projects
jillpricestudios@gmail.com I 705-229-5211 I Canada
Undoings are a series of soft sculptures that have arisen out of
research into unmaking as a creative act. Manifested from
deconstructing a multitude of earlier 2D landscape paintings, I
am using my existing inventory to conceptually and physically
explore how one might go about disrupting colonial perspectives
and approaches to land. Cut up and reconfigured with remnants
from other works to arrive at rotatable and flexible 3D configurations
of form, colour and pattern, each piece formally alludes to the
multiplicity and complexity of any one given site.
"Each Undoing produces an endless amount of arrangements that visually dissolve traditional representations of boundaries, horizon lines and space. No longer flat against the wall or stretched tight across a wood frame, their mutating arrangement of fibre and paint breathes new potential into the material and unsettles traditional renderings of land, water and sky so as to point to the interconnectivity of different environments in that to alter one area of the canvas is to affect them all. Their protrusion into the audience's physical space draws attention to the liveliness of things and how things or beings cross into territories / space not their own. Their abject forms and potential to be in a constant state of becoming also communicates how one's relationship to a place is extremely personal and therefore unknown and always other." Click here to listen to a short artist talk on my Undoings.