JILL PRICE art projects
jillpricestudios@gmail.com I 705-229-5211 I Canada
FLEET was a site-specific installation of triangulated sheets of paper that offered audiences an opportunity to sonically and visually experience the fleeting forces of nature. Located in a private forest where Ash trees are threatened by the Emerald Ash Borer, the white sheets of material served as projection screens that drew attention to how living matter, light, shadows and sound often goes unnoticed atop the forest floor. Situating seven amidst the fallen trees, their number alludes to the ancient phrase “sail the seven seas”, a saying that first appeared in 2300 BC when Mesopotamians were astronomically recording the seven “heavenly bodies” moving through space, which in turn spurred early global exploration and trade. Sail like in form and tethered with knotted rope, the work was conceptualized to signify how ecological devastation, beyond that caused by human extraction, is often caused by the introduction, invasion or migration of non-indigenous species. Also materially and physically invasive, each paper sail is also at risk due to the reality that more Ash trees will need to come down over the duration of the summer. Also creating a series of small watercolours entitled Shadows of Hope, the drawings were created from documenting the shadows of the leaves attached to new saplings popping up where 39 trees had already fallen. To read a review of this installation and its hosting exhibition Unsettling Nature, visit the Centred Magazine review by Madeline Lennon.