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JILL PRICE art projects I 705-229-5211 I Canada
Jill Price, Shoreline Study #2
Jill Price, Stray Abode, Cinque Terre, 2016
Jill Price, The Descent from Michelangelo Palazzo, 2016
Jill Price, Southern HIlls of Firenze, 2016, Ink, graphite and watercolour, 12 x 12
Jill Price, Somewhere on the way home from Rome, 2016, ink, graphite and watercolour, 8 x
Jill Price, Orchards on the Way to Siena, 2019, Ink, graphite and watercolour, 12 x 12
Jill Price, Coming into Camucia, Italy, 2016, ink, graphite and watercolour
Jill Price, Clouds Outside of Siena, 2016
Jill Price, Beyond the Trees of Fort Belevedere, 2016
Jill Price, Crossing the Arno, 2016
Jill Price, Gardens of San Miniato al Monte, 2016, ink, graphite and watercolour, 8 x 8, d
Jill Price, On the Outskirst of Firenze, 2016, graphite, ink and watercolour, 8 x 8
Jill Price, On the way to Perugia, 2019
Jill Price Off the Resort, mexico 2014
Jill Price, Nearing the Shore, Private Collection
Jill Price, Shoreline Study #2
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